Thursday, February 18, 2016

Live Your Faith

St. Paul's is one of five congregations statewide that will be participating in "Live Your Faith" Events throughout the synod. We anticipate many of our neighbors coming to join us. The Synod is providing facilitators and study material at no cost to you. Each day begins at 10:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. Dates are February 27, April 9, May 14.

February 27 -- this event will call us to LISTEN CURIOUSLY TO GOD AND NEIGHBOR -- DWELLING IN THE WORD. What if every meeting our church has could begin by dwelling deeply with God's Word, listening for God in one another? What if, by hearing God's Word in a story, and by appreciating the story through the eyes and ears of our fellow members and even strangers visiting with us, we could begin to notice God's calling for our congregation and community? This day is a beginning. A way to practice being in the Word of God together in community.

April 9 -- This event will call us to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS DEEPLY BY DWELLING IN THE WORLD. We want to notice God at work in life, in the lives of ourselves and others. We also want to know the people God is sending to us to be in mission with each other. But we are very shy, or jealous of our time, and we don't go out of our way to have simple conversations with people God might bring into our lives. How can we get over this reluctance? Come and practice ways to dwell in the world.

May 14 -- This event will call us to TELL THE GOSPEL CONFIDENTLY BY ANNOUNCING THE KINGDOM OF GOD. We are believers in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Have you ever been with a friend who is despairing and wanted to be able to confess the hope you have in God? How would you like to be able to notice God at work in the world and tell someone about it, to help you both on your journey of faith? All it takes is practice and support. But how can you give or get such practice and support for such a simple but profound act? Come and practice the Kingdom with a group of faithful friends.

These events could be life changing for you and our congregation. Please contact Pastor Scott Anderson (