Wednesday, October 25, 2017

End of October

Reformation Weekend with a "Trunk or Treat" Mixed In

Friday, October 27 at 7 pm -- Service of Prayer at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Chapel Hill NC. This is an event for Catholics and Lutherans to celebrate the things we hold in common. This will be led by our Bishop Tim Smith and the New Catholic Bishop of the Raleigh Diocese. Everyone is invited to attend.

Saturday, October 28 at 5-7 pm -- Trunk or Treat at St. Paul's -- Come with decorated trunks and in costume to share fellowship and offer our younger members a safe environment to Trick or Treat. It begins with a simple hot dog supper, guests are invited to bring side dishes or sweet or salty snacks.

Sunday, October 29 is Reformation Sunday and we will be celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. There will be a special setting of the worship service utilizing the hymnody of Martin Luther. We will have a luncheon at 12:30 pm. Other items of interest during the event: Participate in Martin Luther Trivia, have your photo taken with Martin and Katie Luther, pin the Theses on the door and much more. In addition, we will be confirming two of our youth at worship that morning.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Rally Day

September = Rally Day
Rally Day for us is when we are all gathering back together, making new beginnings and welcoming the return of programs, group meetings, and choirs.

We start with Rally Day breakfast on Sunday, September 10 at 9:30 am in Trinity Hall. At this time we fellowship with others, discuss summer trips, plans for the fall and greet new members. Our Time and Talent tables will be around the building on the main floor. Groups and committee members will be at the tables to explain and provide information about what they do both within and outside of St. Paul's. They will be there to answer any questions you may have and hopefully these groups will gain some new members.

Education programs are gearing up -- Thursday morning Bible Studies return weekly on Sept 7 at 10:30-11:45 am, led by Pastor Scott. Sunday School for all ages returns Sunday, Sept 10. If you would like to participate in the children's Sunday School Spark program, we are looking for extra leaders. This program covers a topic for about three weeks and discusses it in various ways: art/crafts, music, food, etc. If you can volunteer for a particular topic or way to cover it, that would be great. Contact Pastor Scott or Vicar Adam Schultz.

Our Preschool is beginning their eighth year as a half-day preschool program. They will be welcoming 55 children including several new families. Their first day of preschool is Tuesday, Sept 5 with children ranging in age from ten months to four years old. Their website is

The Young In Spirit group for senior adults will gather on Wednesday, September 13 at 11:30 am in Trinity Hall for a "bring your own lunch" and planning session. Come with ideas on what you would like to see or do this coming year.

Prayer Partners reveal will be Saturday, September 23 at 9:30-11:00 am in Trinity Hall. Along with a light brunch, we will have a program regarding "Coloring our Prayer" and then reveal who has been praying for us all year. The morning will conclude with a drawing for a new prayer partner. All are welcome.

Wednesday Night Suppers will be held on September 6 and 20. There has been a tradition of "Reading, Writing, and Ravioli" menu for back to school and that will be on the 6th, which means we have cheese ravioli, sauce, meatballs, garlic bread, salad bar, and desserts.  Menu undecided yet for the 20th. All are welcome to come to the meals. We do have a free-will offering collected which helps to cover the costs of the food.

Yard Sale coming soon -- The indoor yard sale will be on Saturday, October 14 so now is a good time to go through the attic, basement, and closets to do some fall cleaning. We will begin collecting items in Trinity Hall following the Oktoberfest (which is Wed, Oct 4).

October will be a full month of Oktoberfest, Pumpkin Patch, Yard Sale, Trunk or Treat, and culminating in a Reformation Celebration and Luncheon on Oct 29. Watch for news!

Friday, June 9, 2017


During the summer, things change a bit at St. Paul's. Several groups do not have their regular meetings or events, mostly due to the travels taking so many people away. But we also add things or modify them.

One -- The choir is not meeting regularly for summer rehearsals during the week, but they are having "pop-up" rehearsals on Sunday mornings at 10:30 for those who would like to take advantage of singing with the choir but not the weekly commitments.

Two -- Sunday school for children does not regularly meet in the summer but we have our fantastic Vacation Bible School. We average about 40 children in VBS which meets Monday through Friday, June 19-23 from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. This year's topic is Maker Fun Factory, which stresses that we are created by God and built for a purpose. That week we will hear many different ways that cover the points that 1) God made you, 2) God is for you, 3) God is always with you, 4) God will always love you, and 5) God made you for a reason. The children travel to different stations such as Bible Discovery, Kid-Vid Cinema, Imagination Station, Cool Crafts, Recreation and Refreshments, as well as the grand opening and closing events. You are welcome to stop by and see what is happening during the week. Also, we have a closing event on Friday, June 23 at 12:00 noon in the sanctuary followed by a hot dog picnic lunch in Trinity Hall. Everyone is invited to both.

Three -- Our preschool does not have regular class time in the summer but they do have six camps taking place for several days each. All are filled to capacity -- they love to be here!

Four -- Our Wednesday night suppers will take a break on June 21 and July 5 because of VBS and July 4 holiday. However, we will return on July 19 and pick back up on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 6:00 pm, our regular schedule.

During the summer months, we have the opportunity to greet new visitors to the area. Our worship services remain the same throughout the year -- 8:30 and 11:00 am on Sundays. If you are visiting with us, sign in on the pew pads, or stop by the visitor book in the narthex to provide us your information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Visit us on our website, and drop us an email if you would like further information.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Lenten Journey to Easter


Mid-Week Lenten Worship at 12 noon and 7 pm
Wednesdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5
Mid-Week Lenten Dinners at 5:45 pm same days
Scripture used during the Lenten worship services is based on the Psalms. The noon service will be quiet communion with healing liturgy. Copies of the Psalm Devotion booklets created by members' submissions are available for personal meditation.

A Lenten Journey: Biblical Stations of the Cross
Fridays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, and April 7 at 12 noon
Lent is a reflective time that is guided by our lectionary, liturgy, and hymns in our worship. In our personal devotions there are many options and journeying the way of the cross is a tradition that has its earliest forms observed and recorded beginning in the late 4th century. Please join Pastor Lorrel Strom-Jensen on Fridays during Lent at noon in the sanctuary to journey through the Biblical Stations of the Cross. Through scripture, hymns, and prayers we will follow the way of the cross and ponder the connections to this path that we experience daily in our own lives.

Sundays in Lent
March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2 -- 8:30 and 11:00 am Worship
Both Sunday morning services will be using the Holy Communion Worship setting based on the Deutsche Messe (German Mass) by Franz Schubert. The green booklets are in the pews. Please refer to your bulletin for hymns, readings, Gospel Acclamation, music, and announcements.

Palm Sunday, April 9
8:30 and 11:00 am Worship
Palm Sunday will be different this year for St. Paul's. It will actually be "Palm Sunday." For a number of years, the church has celebrated the day beginning with the story of the Palm Sunday arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem and then moved on through the service reading the full Passion Narrative. We have decided to concentrate on the Palm Sunday story and let people hear the Passion story as it unfolds on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Saturday. We hope you will join us for all the Holy Week services in preparation for the joy of Easter Sunday morning.

Holy Week

The Paschal Triduum, the three sacred days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, have been experienced as one celebration marking the central events of the Christian faith. Neither Thursday nor Friday liturgy ends with a benediction, which would conclude the worship. That is reserved for the end of the Vigil of Easter.

Maundy Thursday, April 13
12:00 noon service -- Holy Communion
7:00 pm service -- Holy Communion and washing of feet
On Maundy Thursday, we are commanded to love one another as Christ loves us. This is demonstrated by the washing of feet. As this was the night Jesus instituted the Holy Communion at the Passover meal with his disciples, we come to the Lord's Table. This day's worship concludes with the stripping of the altar.

Good Friday, April 14
12:00 noon service -- This Far By Faith -- The Way of the Cross: stations of the cross with hymns and readings
7:00 pm service -- Tenebrae Service
On Good Friday, we come to hear the story of community's disobedience and Christ's obedience even unto death for our benefit. This is done by reading the Passion.

Vigil of Easter, April 15
7:00 pm -- The church marks the gift of light at creation, readings mark the acts of salvation. The new life of the resurrection is celebrated in remembrance of Baptism and the banquet at Holy Communion.

Easter Sunday -- Resurrection of Our Lord, April 16

8:30 am Worship
9:30 am Easter Breakfast in Trinity Hall
10:15 am Egg Hunt for children (bring a basket)
11:00 am Worship

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

February -- Full of Fun, Fellowship and Food

We can sometimes have a very dreary February, weather-wise, so we are making sure we have lots of great events to participate in and chase those winter blues away.

Preschool Spaghetti Supper -- Wednesday, Feb 1 at 5:45 pm
This will be the 6th Annual Preschool Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. Menu includes spaghetti with homemade sauce, meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and cookies for dessert. Proceeds provide scholarships for the preschool. Support the Playground Renovation project by purchasing a cake, slice of pie or other sweet following the Spaghetti Dinner.

Valentine Big Band Bash -- Saturday, Feb 11, at 7:00 pm in Trinity Hall
Time again for our fabulous Valentine's Day Big Band Bash and dessert pot-luck. Come and enjoy the sounds of the Durham Jazz Orchestra, an 18-piece big band plus vocalists. Their music will have you on the dance floor which is provided! Bring along a dessert to share if you wish and we'll celebrate the holiday in good fashion. Open to all, families as well -- kids love the music and also partake of the dance floor!

Mix-It-Up Supper -- Wednesday, Feb 15 at 6:00 pm
The Continuing Conversation group is back with an International Mix-It-Up meal. This time, the format will be more pot-luck. You are invited to prepare a dish to share: a sign-up sheet is on the Reservations bulletin board. Categories include entrees, side dishes, breads, and desserts. If cooking is not in your skill-set, come anyway. There is always enough food!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper -- Tuesday, Feb 28 at 6:00 pm
Shrove Tuesday is also called Fat Tuesday (in New Orleans, Mardi Gras) because on this day, households would use up the fatty foods and cooking fat which would not be used during the forty days of Lent. As in the past, we'll party with the finest pancakes, sausage, and applesauce!

Thursday Bible Study Class is beginning a new study in February on the Lord's Prayer. We will be using a book on the Lord's Prayer written by Rev. Dr. J. Warren Smith who is a professor at Duke Divinity School. This study will invite us to an active prayer life, an invitation to re-imagine the prayer as a confession of the Christian faith, and a guide for meditation on the words of the Prayer. Pastor Scott Anderson will be leading the class. Please join us on Thursdays at 10:30 am in the conference room.